Anti-State Justice

Anti-State Justice (Greek: Antikratiki Dikaiosini) is an anarchist organization that has carried out attacks on political targets in Athens, Greece.[1]

Anti-State Justice claimed responsibility for three bombings from January 2006 to February 2006.[1] The first attack occurred on January 3, when it attacked three targets: two cars and an office of the ruling center-right political party New Democracy in Athens.[1] The second attack occurred on January 23, 2006, when it targeted a Greek post office and an office of New Democracy.[1] On February 7, a firebomb was thrown at a bank in Athens, damaging the ATM.[1] The action was conducted in support of Yiannis Dimitrakis, currently in prison waiting trial charged with armed robbery, a suspected member of the anarchist group Thieves in Black.

Previous Anti-State Justice attacks have targeted vehicles belonging to the mayor of Therissos, a Finnish Diplomat and a branch of the National Bank. Although no one has been injured, significant damage to property has resulted from ASJ attacks.


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